Monday, 30 January 2012


            Computer Engineering Syllabus
                             III Semester

3CS1 MATHEMATICS III (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Unit I
Introduction: Engineering application of optimization, Statement and classification
of optimization problem, single variable and multivariable optimization with and
without constraints.
Unit II
Linear Programming: Formulation of Linear Programming problem, Graphical
Approach, General Linear Programming problem, Simplex Method. Duality in
Linear Programming and Transportation Problems.
Unit III
Project Scheduling: Project Scheduling by PERT and CPM Network Analysis.
Sequencing Theory: General Sequencing problem n-jobs through 2 machines & 3
machines and 2-jobs through m machines.
Unit IV
LAPLACE TRANSFORM: Laplace transform with its simple properties. Inverse
Laplace transform, convolution theorem (without proof), solution of ordinary
differential equation with constant coefficient, solution of partial differential
equation having constant coefficient with special reference to diffusion, Heat
conduction and wave equation. Boundary value problems
Unit V
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS: Difference operators forward, backward, central, shift
and average operators and relation between them. Newton’s and Gauss forward and
backward interpolation formula for equal interval, Stirling’s formula for central
difference. Lagrange’s Interpolation formula and Inverse Interpolation.
Numerical differentiation by Newton’s, Gauss and Sterling’s formula. Numerical
Integration by Simpson’s one third and there eight rule. Numerical Integration of
ordinary differential equation of first order by Picard’s method, Euler’s and modified
Euler’s method, Milne’s method and Runga-Kutta fourth order method. Solution of
difference equation.

3CS2 ELECTRONIC DEVICES & CIRCUITS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Unit I
Mobility and conductivity, charge densities in a semiconductor, Fermi Dirac
distribution, carrier concentrations and fermi levels in semiconductor, Generation
and recombination of charges, diffusion and continuity equation, Mass action Law,
Hall effect. Junction diodes, Diode as a ckt. element, load line concept, clipping and
clamping circuits, Voltage multipliers.
Unit II
Transistor characteristics, Current components, Current gains: alpha and beta.
Operating point. Hybrid model, h-parameter equivalent circuits. CE, CB and CC
configuration. DC and AC analysis of CE,CC and CB amplifiers. Ebers-Moll
model. Biasing & stabilization techniques. Thermal runaway, Thermal stability.
Unit III
FET, RC coupled amplifiers. Frequency response, midband gain, gains at low and
high frequency. Miller’s Theorem. Cascading Transistor amplifiers, Emitter
follower. JFET, MOSFET, Equivalent circuits and biasing of JFET's & MOSFET’s.
Low frequency CS and CD JFET amplifiers. FET as a voltage variable resistor.
Source follower.

 Unit IV
FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS : Classification, Feedback concept, Transfer gain with
feedback, General characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers. Analysis of
voltage-series, voltage-shunt, current- series and current-shunt feedback amplifier.
Stability criterion.
Unit V
OSCILLATORS : Classification. Criterion for oscillation. Tuned collector, Hartley,
Colpitts, RC Phase shift, Wien bridge and crystal oscillators, Astable, monostable
and bistable multivibrators. Schmitt trigger.

3CS3 DATA STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Unit I
Definition & characteristics of algorithms, structures. Difficulties in estimating
exact execution time of algorithms. Concept of complexity of program.
Asymptotic notations: Big-Oh, theta, Omega- Definitions and examples,
Determination of time and space complexity of simple algorithms without
recursion. Representing a function in asymptotic notations viz 5n2-6n= (n2)
Arrays: Array as storage element, Row major & column major form of arrays,
computation of address of elements of n dimensional array.
Unit II
Arrays as storage elements for representing polynomial of one or more degrees
for addition & multiplication, sparse matrices for transposing & multiplication,
stack, queue, dequeue, circular queue for insertion and deletion with condition
for over and underflow, transposition of sparse matrices with algorithms of
varying complexity (Includes algorithms for operations as mentioned).
Evaluation of Expression: Concept of precedence and associativity in
expressions, difficulties in dealing with infix expressions, Resolving precedence
of operators and association of operands, postfix & prefix expressions,
conversion of expression from one form to other form using stack (with &
without parenthesis), Evaluation of expression in infix, postfix & prefix forms
using stack. Recursion.
Unit III
Linear linked lists: singly, doubly and circularly connected linear linked listsinsertion,
deletion at/ from beginning and any point in ordered or unordered lists.
Comparison of arrays and linked lists as data structures.
Linked implementation of stack, queue and dequeue. Algorithms for/of insertion,
deletion of stack, queue, dequeue implemented using linked structures.
Polynomial representation using linked lists for addition, Concepts of Head
Node in linked lists.
Searching: Sequential and binary search.
Unit IV
Non-Linear Structures: Trees definition, characteristics concept of child, sibling,
parent child relationship etc, binary tree: different types of binary trees based on
distribution of nodes, binary tree (threaded and unthreaded) as data structure,
insertion, deletion and traversal of binary trees, constructing binary tree from

traversal results. Threaded binary Tree. Time complexity of insertion, deletion
and traversal in threaded and ordinary binary trees. AVL tree: Concept of
balanced trees, balance factor in AVL trees, insertion into and deletion from
AVL tree, balancing AVL tree after insertion and deletion. Application of trees
for representation of sets.
Unit V
Graphs: Definition, Relation between tree & graph, directed and undirected
graph, representation of graphs using adjacency matrix and list. Depth first and
breadth first traversal of graphs, finding connected components and spanning
tree. Single source single destination shortest path algorithms.
Sorting: Insertion, quick, heap, topological and bubble sorting algorithms for
different characteristics of input data. Comparison of sorting algorithms in term
of time complexity.
1. Algorithm for any operation mentioned with a data structure or required to
implement the particular data structure is included in the curriculum

3CS4 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Unit I
Introduction: Review of structures in C, accessing members of structures using
structure variables, pointer to structures, passing structures to functions, structures as
user defined data types.
Unit II
Introduction to programming paradigms- (Process oriented and Object oriented).
Concept of object, class, objects as variables of class data type, difference in
structures and class in terms of access to members, private and public members of a
class, data & function members.
Characteristics of OOP- Data hiding, Encapsulation, data security.
Basics of C++: Structure of C++ programs, introduction to defining member
functions within and outside a class, keyword using, declaring class, creating
objects, constructors & destructor functions, Initializing member values with and
without use of constructors, simple programs to access & manipulate data members,
cin and cout functions. Dangers of returning reference to a private data member,
constant objects and members function, composition of classes, friend functions and
classes, using this pointer, creating and destroying objects dynamically using new
and delete operators.
Static class members, container classes and iterators, proxy classes.
Unit III
Operator overloading: Fundamentals, Restrictions, operator functions as class
members v/s as friend functions. Overloading stream function, binary operators and
unary operators. Converting between types.
Unit IV
Inheritance: Base classes and derived classes, protected members, relationship
between base class and derived classes, constructors and destructors in derived
classes, public, private and protected inheritance, relationship among objects in an
inheritance hierarchy, abstract classes, virtual functions and dynamic binding, virtual
Unit V
Multiple inheritance, virtual base classes, pointers to classes and class members,
multiple class members. Templates, exception handling

3CS5 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Unit I
Arithmetic & Radix representation of different numbers. Sign & magnitude
representation, Fixed point representation, complement notation, various codes &
arithmetic in different codes & their inter conversion. Features of logic algebra,
postulates of Boolean algebra. Theorems of Boolean algebra. Boolean function.
Derived logic gates: Exclusive-OR, NAND, NOR gates, their block diagrams and
truth tables. Logic diagrams from Boolean expressions and vica-versa. Converting
logic diagrams to universal logic. Positive, negative and mixed logic. Logic gate
Unit II
Theory & operation of TTL NAND gate circuitry. Open collector TTL. Three state
output logic. TTL subfamilies. MOS & CMOS logic families. Realization of logic
gates in RTL, DTL, ECL, C-MOS & MOSFET. Interfacing logic families to one
Unit III
MINIMIZATION TECHNIQUES: Minterm, Maxterm, Karnaugh Map, K map upto
4 variables. Simplification of logic functions with K-map, conversion of truth
tables in POS and SOP form. Incomplete specified functions. Variable mapping.
Quinn-Mc Klusky minimization techniques.
Unit IV
COMBINATIONAL SYSTEMS: Combinational logic circuit design, half and full
adder, subtractor. Binary serial and parallel adders. BCD adder. Binary multiplier.
Decoder: Binary to Gray decoder, BCD to decimal, BCD to 7-segment decoder.
Multiplexer, demultiplexer, encoder. Octal to binary, BCD to excess-3 encoder.
Diode switching matrix. Design of logic circuits by multiplexers, encoders, decoders
and demultiplexers.
Unit V
SEQUENTIAL SYSTEMS: Latches, flip-flops, R-S, D, J-K, Master Slave flip
flops. Conversions of flip-flops. Counters : Asynchronous (ripple), synchronous
andsynchronous decade counter, Modulus counter, skipping state counter, counter
design. Ring counter. Counter applications. Registers: buffer register, shift register.

3CS6.1 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) 
Unit I
OPTICAL FIBERS - Basic optical laws and definitions, Principles of light
propagation in fibers, Ray theory, Optical fiber modes and configurations, Step
index and graded index fibers, Monomode and multimode fibers, Fiber materials,
fiber fabrication, Fiber optic cables. Attenuation, signal distortion in optical fibers,
Dispersion-intra modal & inter modal, Dispersion shifted and flattened fiber.
Unit II
OPTICAL SOURCES - LED’s- Structure, Materials, Characteristics, Modulation,
Power & efficiency, Laser Diodes - Basic concept, Hetro Structure, properties and
Unit III
OPTICAL DETECTORS - PIN and Avalanche photo diodes, photo detector noise,
detector response time, Avalanche multiplication noise. Photo diode materials.
Fundamental of Optical Receiver Operation.
Unit IV
OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS- Source to fiber coupling, fiber
to fiber joints, fiber splicing, fiber connectors. Principle components. Link design
calculation, Applications, Wavelength division multiplexing.
Unit V
OPTICAL FIBER MEASUREMENTS: Measurements of Fiber attenuation,
Dispersion, refractive index profile, Numerical aperture & diameter.

Engg. & Info. Tech)

Unit I
Introduction: Introduction to Open Source technology, different flavors of Linux
(ex:- Red Hat , Fedora, Ubuntu), Files System hierarchy, Logging in, changing
password (passwd command only), longname, man, xman, date, cal, time, banner,
info commands to access on line help.
Simple commands like ls, cp, mv, wc, sort, tsort, cat, cut, grep, dd, head, tail, uniq,
diff, echo, touch, which, whereis, whatis, type, who, whoami, finger, w (option and
variations included), tty, ,uname, printf, ps, pwd , history, exec, kill, pkill, clear,
lpstate, cancel, compress, uncompress, exit.
Directory commands like: Brief introduction to file system, mkdir, dir, cd, df,
dfspace, du, ll, dirname, rmdir, dir access permission, changing access permission
for files and directories like: chmod, chgrp, chown, hard & soft links. Environments
and path setting. I/O redirection & piping commands
Unit II
vi editor: General startup of vi editor and it modes , Creating and editing files,
features of vi, screen movement , cursor movement, insertion, deletion, searching,
submitting operations, yank, put, delete commands, reading & writing files, exrc file
for setting parameters, advance editing techniques, vim (improved vi).
Unit III
Introduction to X-window system: x-window as client/ server system, concept of
window manager, remote computing & local displays, xinitrc file, customize X work
environment and application, customizing the fvwm window manager. Introduction
to package management using yum technology and rpm command, Browsing
internet using Mozilla Firefox and elinks tool.
Unit IV
Shell: meaning and purpose of shell, introduction to types of shell. The command
line, standard input and standard output , redirection , pipes , filters special
characters for searching files and pathnames.
Bourne Again SHell: shell script-writing and executing, command separation &
grouping, redirection, directory stack manipulation, processes, parameters &
variables, keyword variables. Introduction Korn Shell and C Shell
Unit V
Shell Programming: Control structures, the Here document, expanding NULL or
USET variables, Bulitins , functions, history , aliases, job control, file substitution,
source code management- RCS and CVS. awk utility

3CS6.3 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info.

Unit I
Introduction to MIS: concept, Definition, role, Impact and effectiveness of MIS. Ebusiness
enterprise: Introduction, E-business, E-commerce, E-communication, Ecollaboration.
Information Security Challenges: Security Threats controlling and
Unit II
Basic of Management Information System: Decision Making, Information and
knowledge, OO- Technology and MIS, Business process Re-engineering.
Unit III
Application of Management Information system: Application in manufacturing
sector using for personal management, financial management, Production
Management, Material Management, Marketing Management Application in Service
Unit IV
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): EMS, ERP, Benefits implementation, EMS &
Case Studies: Application of SAP technologies in manufacturing sector
Unit V
Database and client server architecture, Data Warehouse: architecture to
implementation, E-business Technology: Electronic payment systems, Web enabled
business management, MIS in web environment.

3CS7 PROGRAMMING IN C++ (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)

1 To write a simple program for understanding of C++ program structure without any
CLASS declaration. Program may be based on simple input output, understanding of
keyword using.
2 Write a C++ program to demonstrate concept of declaration of class with public &
private member, constructors, object creation using constructors, access restrictions,
defining member functions within and outside a class. Scope resolution operators,
accessing an object’s data members and functions through different type of object
handle name of object, reference to object, pointer to object, assigning class objects
to each other.
3 Program involving multiple classes (without inheritance) to accomplish a task.
Demonstrate composition of class.
4 Demonstration Friend function friend classes and this pointer.
5 Demonstration dynamic memory management using new & delete & static class
6 Demonstration of restrictions an operator overloading, operator functions as member
function and/ or friend function, overloading stream insertion and stream extraction,
operators, overloading operators etc.
7 Demonstrator use of protected members, public & private protected classes, multilevel
inheritance etc.
8 Demonstrating multiple inheritance, virtual functions, virtual base classes, abstract

3CS8 DATA STRUCTURES LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)

1 Write a simple C program on a 32 bit compiler to understand the concept of array
storage, size of a word. The program shall be written illustrating the concept of row
major and column major storage. Find the address of element and verify it with the
theoretical value. Program may be written for arrays upto 4-dimensions.
2 Simulate a stack, queue, circular queue and dequeue using a one dimensional array
as storage element. The program should implement the basic addition, deletion and
traversal operations.
3 Represent a 2-variable polynomial using array. Use this representation to implement
addition of polynomials.
4 Represent a sparse matrix using array. Implement addition and transposition
operations using the representation.
5 Implement singly, doubly and circularly connected linked lists illustrating operations
like addition at different locations, deletion from specified locations and traversal.
6 Repeat exercises 2, 3 & 4 with linked structures.
7 Implementation of binary tree with operations like addition, deletion, traversal.
8 Depth first and breadth first traversal of graphs represented using adjacency matrix
and list.
9 Implementation of binary search in arrays and on linked Binary Search Tree.
10 Implementation of insertion, quick, heap, topological and bubble sorting algorithms.

3CS9 ANALOG ELECTRONICS LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
S. No. List of Experiments
1 Plot V-I characteristic of P-N junction diode & calculate cut-in voltage, reverse
Saturation current and static & dynamic resistances.
2 Plot V-I characteristic of zener diode and study of zener diode as voltage regulator.
Observe the effect of load changes and determine load limits of the voltage
3 Plot frequency response curve for single stage amplifier and to determine gain
bandwidth product.
4 Plot drain current - drain voltage and drain current – gate bias characteristics of field
effect transistor and measure of Idss & Vp
5 Application of Diode as clipper & clamper
6 Plot gain- frequency characteristic of two stages RC coupled amplifier & calculate
its bandwidth and compare it with theoretical value.
7 Plot gain- frequency characteristic of emitter follower & find out its input and output
8 Plot input and output characteristics of BJT in CB, CC and CE configurations. Find
their h-parameters.
9 Plot gain-frequency characteristics of BJT amplifier with and without negative
feedback in the emitter circuit and determine bandwidths, gain bandwidth products
and gains at 1kHz with and without negative feedback.
10 Plot and study the characteristics of small signal amplifier using FET.
11 Study Wein bridge oscillator and observe the effect of variation in R & C on
oscillator frequency
12 Study transistor phase shift oscillator and observe the effect of variation in R & C on
oscillator frequency and compare with theoretical value.
13 To plot the characteristics of UJT and UJT as relaxation.
14 To plot the characteristics of MOSFET and CMOS.

3CS10 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)

1To verify the truth tables of basic logic gates: AND, OR, NOR, NAND, NOR. Also
to verify the truth table of Ex-OR, Ex-NOR (For 2, 3, & 4 inputs using gates with 2,
3, & 4 inputs).
2 To verify the truth table of OR, AND, NOR, Ex-OR, Ex-NOR realized using NAND
& NOR gates.
3 To realize an SOP and POS expression.
4 To realize Half adder/ Subtractor & Full Adder/ Subtractor using NAND & NOR
gates and to verify their truth tables.
5 To realize a 4-bit ripple adder/ Subtractor using basic Half adder/ Subtractor & basic
Full Adder/ Subtractor.
6 To verify the truth table of 4-to-1 multiplexer and 1-to-4 demultiplexer. Realize the
multiplexer using basic gates only. Also to construct and 8-to-1 multiplexer and 1-
to-8 demultiplexer using blocks of 4-to-1 multiplexer and 1-to-4 demultiplexer
7 Design & Realize a combinational circuit that will accept a 2421 BCD code and
drive a TIL -312 seven-segment display.
8 Using basic logic gates, realize the R-S, J-K and D-flip flops with and without clock
signal and verify their truth table
9 Construct a divide by 2,4 & 8 asynchronous counter. Construct a 4-bit binary
counter and ring counter for a particular output pattern using D flip flop.
10 Perform input/output operations on parallel in/Parallel out and Serial in/Serial out
registers using clock. Also exercise loading only one of multiple values into the
register using multiplexer.
Note: As far as possible, the experiments shall be performed on bread board.
However, experiment Nos. 1-4 are to be performed on bread board only.

                                      Shri Akash Bhai


                  Computer Engineering
                       4 Semester

4CS1 MICROPROCESSOR AND INTERFACES (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Unit I
Introduction to Microprocessors, microcontroller; 8085 Microprocessor
Architecture, pin description, Bus concept and organization; concept of multiplexing
and demultiplexing of buses; concept of static and dynamic RAM, type of ROM,
memory map.
unit II
Software architecture registers and signals, Classification of instruction, Instruction
set, addressing modes, Assembly Language Programming and Debugging,
Programming Technique, instruction Format and timing.
Unit III
Advance Assembly Language Programming, Counter and time delay; types of
Interrupt and their uses, RST instructions and their uses, 8259 programmable
interrupt controller; Macros, subroutine; Stack- implementation and uses with
examples; Memory interfacing.
Unit IV
8085 Microprocessor interfacing:, 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface, 8254
programmable interval timer, interfacing of Input/output device, 8279 Key
board/Display interface.
Unit V
Microprocessor Application: Interfacing scanned multiplexed display and liquid
crystal display, Interfacing and Matrix Keyboard, MPU Design; USART 8251,
RS232C and RS422A, Parallel interface- Centronics and IEEE 488 .

Info. Tech

Unit I
Programming Language: Definition, History, Features. Issues in Language Design:
Structure and Operation of computer, Programming Paradigms. Efficiency,
Regularity. Issues in Language Translation: Syntax and Semantics.
Unit II
Specifications and Implementation of Elementary and Structured Data Types. Type
equivalence, checking and conversion. Vectors and Arrays, Lists, Structures, Sets,
Unit III
Sequence control with Expressions, Conditional Statements, Loops, Exception
handling. Subprogram definition and activation, simple and recursive subprogram,
subprogram environment.
Unit IV

Scope – Static and Dynamic, Block structures, Local Data and Shared Data,
Parameters and Parameter Transmission. Local and Common Environments, Tasks
and Shared Data.
Unit V
Abstract Data type, information hiding, encapsulation, type definition. Static and
Stack-Based Storage management. Fixed and Variable size heap storage
management, Garbage Collection.


Unit I
Language of Logic: Proposition, Compound Proposition, Conjunction, Disjunction,
Implication, Converse, Inverse & Contrpositive, Biconditional Statements,
tautology, Contradiction & Contingency, Logical Equivalences, Quantifiers,
Unit II
Proof Methods: Vacuous, Trivial, Direct, Indirect by Contrapositive and
Contradiction, Constructive & Non-constructive proof, Counterexample. The
Division Algorithm, Divisibilty Properties (Prime Numbers & Composite Numbers),
Principle of Mathematical Induction, The Second Principle of Mathematical
Induction, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.
Algorithm Correctness: Partial Correctness, Loop Invariant. Testing the partial
correctness of linear & binary search, bubble & selection sorting.
Unit III
Graph Theory: Graphs – Directed, Undirected, Simple,. Adjacency & Incidence,
Degre of Vertex, Subgraph, Complete graph, Cycle & Wheel Graph, Bipartite &
Complete Bipartite Graph, Weighed Graph, Union of Simple Graphs. Complete
Graphs. Isomorphic Graphs, Path, Cycles & Circuits Euclerian & Hamiltonian
Planar Graph: Kuratowski’s Two Graphs, Euler’s Formula, Kuratowski’s Theorem.
Trees: Spanning trees- Kruskal’s Algo, Finding Spanning Tree using Depth First
Search, Breadth First Search, Complexity of Graph, Minimal Spanning Tree.
Unit IV
Sets: Definition and types, Set operations, Partition of set, Cardinality (Inclusion-
Exclusion & Addition Principles), Recursive definition of set.
Functions: Concept, Some Special Functions (Polynomial, Exponential &
Logarithmic, Abslute Value, Floor & Ceiling, Mod & Div Functions), Properties of
Functions, Cardinality of Infinite Set, Countable & Uncountable Sets, The
Pigeonhole & Generalized Pigeonhole Principles, Composition of Functions.
Unit V
Relations: Boolean Matrices, Binary Relation, Adjacency Matrix of Relation,
Properties of Relations, Operations on Relations, The Connectivity Relations,
Transitive Closure-Warshall’s Algorithm, Equivalence relations- Congruence
Relations, Equivalence Class, Number of Partitions of a Finite Set, Partial & Total

4CS4 STATISTICS & PROBABILITY THEORY (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)

Unit I
Introduction & Discrete random variables
Sample space, events, algebra of events, Bernoulli’s trials, Probability & Baye’s
theorem. Random variable & their event space, probability generating function,
expectations, moments, computations of mean time to failure, Bernoulli & Poisson
Unit II
Discrete & continuous distributions
Probability distribution & probability densities: Binomial, Poisson, normal
rectangular and exponential distribution & their PDF’s, moments and MGF’s for
above distributions.
Unit III
Correlation & Regression Correlation & regression: Linear regression, Rank
correlation, Method of least squares Fitting of straight lines & second degree
parabola. Normal regression and correlation analysis.
Unit IV
Queuing Theory
Pure birth, pure death and birth-death processes. Mathematical models for M/M/1,
M/M/N, M/M/S and M/M/S/N queues.
Unit V
Discrete Parameter mark on chains:
M/G/1 Queuing model, Discrete parameter birth-death process.

4CS5 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)

Unit I
System Analysis: Characteristics, Problems in system Development, System Level
project Planning, System Development Life cycle (SDLC), computer system
engineering & system analysis, modeling the architecture, system specification.
Unit II
Software & its characteristics: Software Development, Process Model, Prescriptive
model, The water fall model, Incremental Process Modes, Evolutionary process
model, specialized process model.
Unit III
Requirement Analysis: Requirement analysis tasks, Analysis principles, Software
prototyping and specification data dictionary finite state machine (FSM) models.
Structured Analysis: Data and control flow diagrams, control and process
specification behavioral modeling, extension for data intensive applications.
Unit IV
Software Design: Design fundamentals, Effective modular design: Data architectural
and procedural design, design documentation, coding – Programming style, Program
quality, quantifying program quality, complete programming example
Unit V
Object Oriented Analysis: Object oriented Analysis Modeling, Data modeling
Object Oriented Design: OOD concepts and methods class and object definitions,
refining operations, Class and object relationships, object modularization,
Introduction to Unified Modeling Language

4CS6.1 ANALOG & DIGITAL COMMUNICATION (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info.

Unit I
AMPLITUDE MODULATION: Frequency translation, Recovery of base band
signal, Spectrum & power relations in AM systems. Methods of generation &
demodulation of AM-DSB, AM-DSB/SC and AM-SSB signals. Modulation &
detector circuits for AM systems. AM transmitters & receivers.
Unit II
FREQUENCY MODULATION : Phase & freq. modulation & their relationship,
Spectrum & band width of a sinusoidally modulated FM signal, phasor diagram,
Narrow band & wide band FM. Generation & demodulation of FM signals. FM
transmitters & receivers. Comparison of AM, FM & PM. Pre emphasis & deemphasis.
Threshold in FM, PLL demodulator.
Unit III
PCM & DELTA MODULATION SYSTEMS : Uniform and Non-uniform
quantization. PCM and delta modulation, Signal to quantization noise ratio in PCM
and delta modulation. DPCM, ADM, T1 Carrier System, Matched filter detection.
Error probability in PCM system.
Unit IV
BASE BAND TRANSMISSION: Line coding(RZ,NRZ): Polar, Bipolar,
Manchester, AMI. Inter symbol interference, Pulse shaping, Nyquist criterion,
Raised cosine spectrum.
PULSE ANALOG MODULATION: Practical aspects of sampling: Natural and flat
top sampling. PAM, PWM, PPM modulation and demodulation methods, PAMTDM.
Unit V
DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIQUES : Geometric interpretation of signals,
Orthogonalization. ASK, BPSK, BFSK, QPSK, MSK modulation techniques and
Coherent detection of these techniques. Calculation of error probabilities.

4CS6.2 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)

Unit I
OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Basic differential amplifier analysis, Single ended
and double ended configurations ,Op-amp configurations with feedback, Op-amp
parameters, Inverting and Non- Inverting configuration, Comparators, Adder.
Unit II
Voltage to frequency & Frequency to voltage converters. Oscillators: Phase shift,
Wien bridge, Quadrature, square wave, triangular wave, sawtooth oscillators.
Voltage controlled oscillators.
Unit III
ACTIVE FILTERS: Low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject filters,All pass
filter, Switched capacitor filter, Butterworth filter design, Chebyshev Filter design.
Unit IV
PHASE-LOCKED LOOPS: Operating Principles of PLL, Linear Model of PLL,
Lock range, Capture range, Applications of PLL as FM detector, FSK demodulator,
AM detector, frequency translator, phase shifter, tracking filter, signal synchronizer
and frequency synthesizer, Building blocks of PLL, LM 565 PLL.
Unit V
LINEAR IC’s: Four quadrant multiplier & its applications, Basic blocks of linear IC
voltage regulators, Three terminal voltage regulators, Positive and negative voltage
regulators. The 555 timer as astable and monostable multivibrators. Zero crossing
detector, Schmitt trigger.

Info. Tech)

Unit I
PROPOSITIONS AND PREDICATES: Evaluation of constant propositions,
Evaluation of proposition in a state. Precedence rules for operators, Tautologies,
Propositions a sets of states and Transforming English to propositional form.
Introduction to first-order predicate logic, Quantifiers and Reasoning.
Unit II
LOGIC PROGRAMMING USING PROLOG: Constants, Goals and Clauses, Facts,
Rules, Semantics, Rules and Conjunction, Rules and Disjunction, Search strategy,
Unit III
Recursion, Lists, Cut operator, and Sorting. Data structures, Text strings, Searching
state space, Operators and their precedence, and Parsing in Prolog.
Unit IV
FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING: Introduction to lambda calculus-Syntax and
semantics, Computability and correctness, Lazy and Eager Evaluation Strategies,
comparison of functional and imperative languages.
Unit V
FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING USING HASKELL: Introduction, lists, Userdefined
data types, type classes, and arrays in Haskell. Input/Ouput in Haskell - type
classes IO and Monad, Simple applications/programs in Haskell.

4CS7 MICROPROCESSOR LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)

1 Add the contents of memory locations XX00 &XX01 & place the result in memory
location XX02.
2 Add the 16 bit numbers stored in memory location & store the result in another
memory location.
3 Transfer a block of data from memory location XX00 to another memory location
XX00 in forward & reverse order.
4 Write a program to Swap two blocks of data stored in memory.
5 Write a program to find the square of a number.
6 Write a main program & a conversion subroutine to convert Binary to its equivalent
7 Write a program to find largest & smallest number from a given array.
8 Write a program to Sort an array in ascending & descending order.
9 Write a program to multiply two 8 bit numbers whose result is 16 bit.
10 Write a program of division of two 8 bit numbers.
11 Generate square wave from SOD pin of 8085 & observe on CRO.
12 Write a program to perform traffic light control operation.
13 Write a program to control the speed of a motor.

4CS8 COMMUNICATION LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Harmonic analysis of a square wave of modulated waveform
Observe the amplitude modulated waveform and measures modulation index.
Demodulation of the AM signal
To modulate a high frequency carrier with sinusoidal signal to obtain FM signal.
Demodulation of the FM signal
To observe the following on a transmission line demonstrator kit :
i. The propagation of pulse in non-reflecting Transmission line.
ii. The effect of losses in Transmission line.
iii. The resonance characteristics of al half wavelength long x-mission line.
4 To study and observe the operation of a super heterodyne receiver
To modulate a pulse carrier with sinusoidal signal to obtain PWM signal and
demodulate it.
To modulate a pulse carrier with sinusoidal signal to obtain PPM signal and
demodulate it.
7 To observe pulse amplitude modulated waveform and its demodulation.
To observe the operation of a PCM encoder and decoder. To consider reason for
using digital signal x-missions of analog signals.
Produce ASK signals, with and without carrier suppression. Examine the different
processes required for demodulation in the two cases
To observe the FSK wave forms and demodulate the FSK signals based on the
properties of (a) tuned circuits (b) on PI.L.
11 To study & observe the amplitude response of automatic gain controller (AGC ).

Info. Tech)

Write a C++ Object Oriented Code for Huffman Coding & Decoding. The code
must have implementation of Binary tree, binary Search, Scanning of Input Stream,
Generation of Code. The input Stream and codes may be stored in files.
Write a C++ Object Oriented Code for representing a graph using adjacency list.
Perform depth first and breadth first search starting from any node. Also find the
shortest path between single sources all destinations. Also carry out topological
Create a C++ template for matrix. Include procedures for multiplication of 2
matrices. Use the same class for multiplication of more than two matrices.
4. Create a C++ class for implementation of AVL tree to store a symbol table.
Create a new string class say NewString. Define functions as defined in the system
string class.

Engg. & Info. Tech)

For the instructor: Assign any two projects two a group of exactly two students covering all of
the experiments from given experiment list. Each group is required to prepare the following
documents for projects assigned to them and develop the software using software engineering
1. Problem Analysis and Project Planning Thorough study of the problem- identify project
scope, infrastructure.
2. Software Requirement Analysis- Describe the individual Phases/modules of the project
3. Data Modeling Use work products – data dictionary, use case diagrams and activity
diagrams, build and test lass diagrams, sequence diagrams and add interface to class
4. Software Developments and Debugging.
5. Software Testing – Prepare test plan, perform validation testing coverage analysis, memory
leaks, develop test case hierarchy, Site check and site monitor.
6. Describe: Relevance of CASE tools, high – end and low – end CASE tools, automated
support for data dictionaries, DFD, ER diagrams.

S. No. List of Experiments Software Required:
1 Course Registration System
2 Quiz System
3 Online ticket reservation system
4 Remote computer monitoring
5 Students marks analyzing system
Expert system to prescribe the medicines for
the given symptoms
Platform assignment system for the trains in a
railway station
8 Stock maintenance
9 Student Marks Analyzing System
10 Online Ticket Reservation System
11 Payroll System
12 Export System
Case Tools: Rational Suite, Win
runner, Empirix
Languages: C/C++/JDK, JSDK,
Front End: VB, VC++,
Developer 2000, .NET
Back End: Oracle, MS – Access,

1. Form of Government: Democracy, Dictatorship
2. India: Brief history of Indian Constitution, History of Indian National Movement, After
Independence, Socio-economic growth.
3. Society: Social groups-concept and types socialization: concept and types, theory social
control :concept and types means. Social problem: concept and types.
4. The Fundamentals of Economics: The logic of economics fundamentals definitions of
economics, basic terminology.
5. Micro Economics: Consumer's behavior, utility, demand, supply, elasticity of demand and
supply. Theory of production, production function, factors of production.
6. Macro Economics: National income, business cycles, aggregate term, inflation, economic
growth, international Trade, exchange rates.
7. Indian Economy: Basic features, infrastructure, occupation, natural and human resources,
unemployment (Industrial Sector, India and Globalization).

                            Shri Akash Bhai

Sunday, 29 January 2012


      Electronics & Communication Engineering
                               V- Semester

UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION: Continuous time and discrete time systems, Properties of
systems. Linear time invariant systems - continuous time and discrete time. Properties
of LTI systems and their block diagrams. Convolution, Discrete time systems described
by difference equations.
representation of continuous periodic signal & its properties, Fourier series
representation of Discrete periodic signal & its properties, Continuous time filters &
Discrete time filters described by Diff. equation.
UNIT 3: FOURIER TRANSFORM: The continuous time Fourier transform for periodic
and aperiodic signals, Properties of CTFT. Discrete time Fourier transform for periodic
and aperiodic signals. Properties of DTFT. The convolution and modulation property.
UNIT 4: Z-TRANSFORM & LAPLACE TRANSFORM: Introduction. The region of
convergence for the Z-transform. The Inverse Z-transform. Two dimensional Ztransform.
Properties of Z transform. Laplace transform, Properties of Laplace
Transform, Application of Laplace transform to system analysis.
UNIT 5: SAMPLING: Mathematical theory of sampling. Sampling theorem. Ideal & Real
sampling. Interpolation technique for the reconstruction of a signal from its samples.
Aliasing. Sampling in freq. domain. Sampling of discrete time signals.
• Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals, 2e (Intl. Version), Lathi 2nd, Oxford
• Signal & Systems 3e, Chen 3rd, Oxford
• Fundamentals Of Signals And Systems, Wiley
• Signals And Systems, P Rao, TMH
• Signals And Systems: A Simplified Approach, Ganesh Rao, 4e, Pearson
• Signals And Systems: Continuous And Discrete, Roger E Ziemer, 4e, PHI
• Signals And Systems, Ravi Kumar, PHI

UNIT 1: OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Basic differential amplifier analysis, Single
ended and double ended configurations, Op-amp configurations with feedback, Op-amp
parameters, Inverting and Non-Inverting configuration, Comparators, Adder.
Integrator, Differentiator, Voltage to frequency & Frequency to voltage converters.
Oscillators: Phase shift, Wien bridge, Quadrature, square wave, triangular wave,
sawtooth oscillators. Voltage controlled oscillators.
UNIT 3: ACTIVE FILTERS: Low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject filters, All
pass filter, Switched capacitor filter, Butterworth filter design, Chebyshev Filter design.
UNIT 4: PHASE-LOCKED LOOPS: Operating Principles of PLL, Linear Model of PLL,
Lock range, Capture range, Applications of PLL as FM detector, FSK demodulator, AM
detector, frequency translator, phase shifter, tracking filter, signal synchronizer and
frequency synthesizer, Building blocks of PLL, LM 565 PLL.
UNIT 5: LINEAR IC’s: Four quadrant multiplier & its applications, Basic blocks of linear
IC voltage regulators, Three terminal voltage regulators, Positive and negative voltage
regulators. The 555 timer as astable and monostable multivibrators. Zero crossing
detector, Schmitt trigger.
• Linear Circuits (Includes Cd), Ramakalyan-, Oxford
• Linear Circuit Analysis, Decarlo, Oxford
• Linear Integrated Circuits, Nair, Wiley
• Analysis And Design Of Analog Integrated Circuits, Gray, 5e, Wiley
• Analog Mos Integrated Circuits For Signal Processing-Gregorian, Gregorian, 1e, Wiley
• Linear Integrated Circuits, S Salivahanan, TMH
• Electronic Circuits: Discrete And Integrated, Donald Schilling, TMH
• Op-Amps And Linear Integrated Circuits, Gayakwad, Ramakant A, PHI

UNIT 1: TRANSMISSION LINE: Types of transmission lines, general transmission line
equation, line constant, equivalent circuits, infinite line, and reflection on a line, SWR of
line with different type of terminations. Distortion less and dissipation less lines, Coaxial
cables, Transmission lines at audio and radio frequencies, Losses in transmission line,.
Characteristics of quarter wave, half wave and lines of other lengths,
UNIT 2:TRANSMISSION LINE APPLICATIONS:Smith chart and its application.
Transmission line applications, Impedance matching Network. Single & double Stub
matching. Measurement of parameters of transmission line, measurement of
attenuation, insertion loss, reflection coefficient and standing wave ratio.
UNIT 3: ATTENUATORS & FILTERS: Elements of telephone transmission networks,
symmetrical and Asymmetrical two port networks. Different Attenuators, p-section & Tsection
attenuators, stub matching, Transmission equalizers Filters, constant K-section,
Ladder type, p-section, T-section filter, m-derived filter sections, Lattics filter section.
UNIT 4: TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION: Telephone set, Touch tone dial types, two
wire/ four wire transmission, Echo suppressors & cancellors, cross talk. Multi-channel
systems: Frequency division & time division multiplexing.
UNIT 5: AUTOMATIC TELEPHONY & TELEGRAPHY: Trunking concepts, Grade of
service, Traffic definitions, Introduction to switching networks, classification of switching
systems. Principle of Electronic Exchange, EPABX and SPC Digital telephone
Exchange, Numberig Plan, Fascimile services.
• Digital Telephony, Bellamy, Wiley
• Fields And Waves In Communication Electronics 3ed By Ramo, Wiley

with reactive elements, Noise temperature, Noise bandwidth, effective input noise
temperature, Noise figure. Noise figure & equivalent noise temperature in cascaded
UNIT 2: AMPLITUDE MODULATION: Frequency translation, Recovery of base band
signal, Spectrum & power relations in AM systems. Methods of generation &
demodulation of AM-DSB, AM-DSB/SC and AM-SSB signals. Modulation & detector
circuits for AM systems. AM transmitters & receivers.
UNIT 3: FREQUENCY MODULATION: Phase & freq. modulation & their relationship,
Spectrum & band width of a sinusoidally modulated FM signal, phasor diagram, Narrow
band & wide band FM. Generation & demodulation of FM signals. FM transmitters &
receivers.. Comparison of AM, FM & PM. Pre emphasis & deemphasis. Threshold in
FM, PLL demodulator.
UNIT 4: NOISE IN AM AND FM: Calculation of signal-to-noise ratio in SSB-SC, DSBSC,
DSB with carrier, Noise calculation of square law demodulator & envelope detector.
Calculation of S/N ratio in FM demodulators, Super heterodyne receivers.
UNIT 5: PULSE ANALOG MODULATION: Practical aspects of sampling: Natural and
flat top sampling. PAM, PWM, PPM modulation and demodulation methods, PAM-TDM.
• Modern Digital & Analog Communication Systems, Lathi, Oxford
• Analog Communication, Chandrasekhar, Oxford
• An Introduction To Analog & Digital Communications-, Haykins, Wiley
• Digital And Analog Communication Systems-, Shanmugam, Wiley
• Communications Systems, 4ed-, Haykins, Wiley
• Principles Of Communication Systems, Herbert Taub, Donald Schilling, Goutam Saha-,
• Communication Systems, R Singh, S. Sapre, TMH
• Analog Communication, K. N. Hari Bhat, Pearson
• Digital & Analog Communication Systems, Leon W. Couch, Pearson

UNIT 1: WAVE GUIDES:Introduction of Microwaves and their applications. Rectangular
Waveguides, Solution of Wave equation in TE and TM modes. Power transmission and
Power losses. Excitation of modes in Rectangular waveguides, circular waveguides:
Basic idea of TE and TM modes, field patterns, TEM mode of propagation.
UNIT 2: WAVEGUIDE COMPONENTS: Scattering matrix representation of networks.
Rectangular cavity and circular cavity resonators. Waveguide Tees, Magic Tees. Hybrid
rings. Waveguide corners, Bends and twists. Directional couplers, Circulators and
UNIT 3: KLYSTRONS: Limitation of conventional vacuum tubes, Construction and
operation of two cavity & multicavity klystrons. Velocity modulation and electron
bunching (analytical treatment), Applegate diagram and applications of two cavity
klystrons. Construction, working and operation of Reflex klystron. Applications and
practical considerations. Velocity modulation, power output and frequency
characteristics of a Reflex klystron. Electron admittance.
UNIT 4: TRAVELLING WAVE TUBES (TWT): Construction, operation and practical
consideration of helix type TWT. Introduction to CW power, pulsed dual mode TWT.
Coupled cavity TWT. Applications of TWT.
UNIT 5: MAGNETRON: Types of Magnetron. Construction, operation, analysis and
practical consideration of cavity or travelling wave magnetron. Introduction to coaxial,
frequency angle and voltage tunable magnetrons. Backward cross field oscillator,
Forward wave cross field amplifier.
• Foundations For Microwave Engineering – R.E. Collin, R.E. Collin, Wiley
• Microwave Engineering By, Pozar, Wiley
• Microwave Engineering, Annapurna Das, Sisir Das, TMH
• Microwave Devices And Circuits, 3, Samuel Y. Liao, Pearson
• Microwave Devices And Circuit Design, Ganesh Prasad Srivastava, Vijay Laxmi Gupta,
• Microwave Semiconductor Devices, Roy Mitra, PHI

UNIT 1: HUMAN BODY SUBSYSTEMS: Brief description of neural, muscular,
cardiovascular and respiratory systems; their electrical, mechanical and chemical
TRANSDUCERS AND ELECTRODES: Principles and classification of transducers for
Bio-medical applications, Electrode theory, different types of electrodes, Selection
criteria for transducers and electrodes.
UNIT 2: BIOPOTENTIALS: Electrical activity of excitable cells, ENG, EMG, ECG, ERG,
EEG. Neuron potential.
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MEASUREMENTS: Measurement of blood pressure,
blood flow, cardiac output, cardiac rate, heart sounds, Electrocardiograph,
phonocardiograph, Plethysmograph, Echocardiograph.
valve of blood, ESR measurement, hemoglobin measurement, O2 and CO2
concentration in blood, GSR measurement.Instrumentation for clinical laboratory:
Spectrophotometry, chromatography, Hematology, Measurement of pH value,
concentration in blood.
MEDICAL IMAGING: Diagnostic X-rays, CAT, MRI, thermography, Ultrasonography,
medical use of isotopes, endoscopy.
Intensive care monitoring basic hospital systems and components, physiological effect
of electric current shock hazards from electrical equipment, safety measures, Standards
& practices.
applications, data acquisition and processing, remote data recording and management.
pacemakers, defibrillators, ventilators, muscle stimulators, diathermy, heart lung
machine, Hemodialysis, Applications of Laser.
• Medical Instrumentation: Application And Design, 3ed-, Webster, Wiley
• Biomedical Signal Processing, D Reddy, TMH
• Electronics In Medicine And Biomedical Instrumentation, PHI

UNIT 1 : ADVANCED TREES - Definitions and operations on weight balanced trees
(Huffman trees), 2-3 trees and Red-Black trees. Augmenting Red-Black trees to
dynamic order statistics and interval tree applications. Operations on disjoint sets and
its Union-Find problem. Implementing sets, discitionerics, priority queues and
concatenable queues using 2-3 trees.
UNIT 2 : MERGEABLE HEAPS - Mergeable Heap operations, binomial trees,
implementing binomial heaps and its operations. 2-3-4- trees and 2-3-4 heaps.
Structure and potential function of Fibonacci heap. Implementing Fibonacci Heap.
UNIT 3 : GRAPH THEORY DEFINITIONS - Definitions of Isomorphism, Components,
Circuits, Fundamental Circuits, Cut-sets, Cut-Vertices, Planer and dual graphs,
Spanning trees, Kuratovski’s two graphs.
UNIT 4 : GRAPH THEORETIC ALGORETHMS - Algorithms for connectedness, finding
all spanning trees in a weighted graph and planarity testing. Breadth first and depth first
search, topological sort, strongly connected components and, articulation point.
UNIT 5 : APPLICATION OF GRAPHS- Single source shortest path and all pair shortest
path algorithms. Min-Cut Max-Flow theorem of network flows, Ford-Fulkerson Max Flow
• “ Data Structures using C” by A.M. Tanenbaum.
• “The C Programming Language” by Kerninghan.
• “An introduction to data structures with applications: by Trembly and Sorenson.
• “Fundamentals of Data structures” by Horowitz and Sahani.

UNIT 1 : MATRIX COMPUTATION: Algebra of matrix, Inverse of a matrix, Rank of a
matrix, Matrix inversion by Gauss elimination, Computer programs for matrix inversion.
UNIT 2 : SOLUTION OF LINEAR EQUATIONS: Cramer’s rule, Gauss elimination,
Gauss Jordan elimination and Gauss Seidal iterative method and their implementation
in C.
UNIT 3 : SOLUTION OF NON-LINEAR EQUATIONS: Interval bisection method,
Secant method, Regula- Falsi method, Curve fitting, Method of least squares and their
implementation in C.
Euler’s method, Runge Kutta method of fourth order, Solution of partial differential
equation with special reference to heat equation, Laplace equation and wave equation
Milne’s and their implementation in C.
UNIT 5 : STATISTICAL METHODS: Curve fitting methods – method of least squares,
fitting a straight line, parabola. Correlation and Linear regression.
• Numerical methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation by M.K.Jain,
S.R.K.Iyengar, R.K. Jain.
• Elementary Numerical Analysis by Samuel D.Conte and Cart de Boor, McGraw Hill
International Edition.
• Numerical methods for Science and Engineering, PHI by R.G.Stanton
• Computer based numerical algorithms by E.V. Krishnamoorthy
• Introduction to Numerical Analysis by E. Atkinson

To design the following circuits, assemble these on bread board and test them.
Simulation of these circuits with the help of appropriate software.
1. Op-Amp characteristics and get data for input bias current, measure the output-offset voltage and
reduce it to zero and calculate slew rate.
2. Op-Amp in inverting and non-inverting modes.
3. Op-Amp as scalar, summer and voltage follower.
4. Op-Amp as differentiator and integrator.
5. Design LPF and HPF using Op-Amp 741
6. Design Band Pass and Band reject Active filters using Op-Amp 741.
7. Design Oscillators using Op-Amp (i) RC phase shift (ii) Hartley (iii) Colpitts
8. Design (i) Astable (ii) Monostable multivibrators using IC-555 timer
9. Design Triangular & square wave generator using 555 timer.
10. Design Amplifier (for given gain) using Bipolar Junction Transistor.

1. Study of various microwave components and instruments like frequency meter, attenuator, detector &
VSWR meter.
2. Draw V-I characteristics of microwave source like Gunn diode/ Reflex Klystron.
3. Measurement of frequency and wavelength in a rectangular waveguide.
4. Measurement of VSWR (small as well as large values) & reflection coefficient.
5. Measure an unknown impedance with smith chart.
6. Draw the following characteristics of Gunn Diode
(i) Output power and frequency as a function of voltage
(ii) Square wave modulation by PIN diode.
7. Drawing polar pattern of Horn antenna.
8. To observe the action of directional coupler and its use in separating incident & reflected wave.
9. Study of Magic Tee, Circulator, isolator
10. Study of spectrum analyzer & its use in observing the response of
(i) High frequency amplifier
(ii) Low pass, high pass, band pass, band reject filters.

1. Harmonic analysis of a square wave of a modulated wave form.
2. Observe the Amplitude modulated wave form & measure modulation index. Demodulation of AM
3. Generation & Demodulation of DSB – SC signal.
4. Modulate a sinusoidal signal with high frequency carrier to obtain FM signal. Demodulation of the FM
5. To observe the following in a transmission line demonstrator kit :
(a) The propagation of pulse in non reflecting transmission line.
(b) The effect of losses in transmission line.
(c) Transmission with standing waves on a Transmission line.
(d) The resonance characteristics of a half-wave length long X-mission line.
6. (a) To observe the operation of sampling and sample & hold circuits.
(b) To study the effect of sampling time (sampling pulse width).
(c) To study the effects of changing the sampling frequency & observing aliasing phenomena.
7. To study & observe the operation of a super heterodyne receiver.
8. To study & observe the amplitude response of automatic gain controller (AGC ).
9, 10. PAM, PWM & PPM: Modulation and demodulation.

Simulation in MATLAB Environment:
1. Generation of continuous and discrete elementary signals (periodic and non-periodic) using
mathematical expression.
2. Generation of Continuous and Discrete Unit Step Signal.
3. Generation of Exponential and Ramp signals in Continuous & Discrete domain.
4. Continuous and discrete time Convolution (using basic definition).
5. Adding and subtracting two given signals. (Continuous as well as Discrete signals)
6. To generate uniform random numbers between (0, 1).
7. To generate a random binary wave.
8. To generate random sequences with arbitrary distributions, means and variances for following :
(a) Rayleigh distribution
(b) Normal distributions: N(0,1).
(c) Gaussion distributions: N (mx, σx2)
9. To plot the probability density functions. Find mean and variance for the above distributions

                                                                Shri Akash Bhai



           Electronics & Communication Engineering
                                     IV- Semester

UNIT 1: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS - Finite differences – Forward, Backward and Central
differences. Newton’s forward and backward differences, interpolation formulae.
Stirling’s formula, Lagrange’s interpolation formula.
UNIT 2: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS- Integration-Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one third
and three-eighth rules. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations of first order
- Picard’s mathod, Euler’s and modified Euler’s methods, Miline’s method and Runga-
Kutta fourth order method., Differentiation
UNIT 3: SPECIAL FUNCTIONS – Bessel’s functions of first and second kind, simple
recurrence relations, orthogonal property of Bessel’s, Transformation, Generating
functions, Legendre’s function of first kind. Simple recurrence relations, Orthogonal
property, Generating function.
UNIT 4: STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY - Elementary theory of probability, Baye’s
theorem with simple applications, Expected value, theoretical probability distributions-
Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions. Lines of regression, co-relation and rank
UNIT 5: CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS - Functional, strong and weak variations simple
variation problems, the Euler’s equation.
• Advanced Engg. Mathematics-4, S.K.Dadhich, N.K.
• Advanced Engg. Mathematics, Irvin Kreyszig, Wiley
• Applied Statics & Probability, Montgomery, Wiley
UNIT 1: FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS: Classification, Feedback concept, Transfer gain
with feedback, General characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers. Analysis of
voltage-series, voltage-shunt, current-series and current-shunt feedback amplifier.
Stability criterion.
UNIT 2: OSCILLATORS: Classification. Criterion for oscillation. Tuned collector,
Hartley, Colpitts, RC Phase shift, Wien bridge and crystal oscillators, Astable,
monostable and bistable multivibrators. Schmitt trigger. Blocking oscillators.
UNIT 3: HIGH FREQUENCY AMPLIFIERS: Hybrid Pi model, conductances and
capacitances of hybrid Pi model, high frequency analysis of CE amplifier, gainbandwidth
product. Emitter follower at high frequencies.
UNIT 4: TUNED AMPLIFIER - Band Pass Amplifier, Parallel resonant Circuits, Band
Width of Parallel resonant circuit. Analysis of Single Tuned Amplifier, Primary &
Secondary Tuned Amplifier with BJT & FET. Double Tuned Transformer Coupled
Amplifier. Stagger Tuned Amplifier. Pulse Response of such Amplifier. Shunt Peaked
Circuits for Increased Bandwidth.
UNIT 5: POWER AMPLIFIERS: Power amplifier circuits, Class A output stage, class B
output stage and class AB output stages, class C amplifiers, pushpull amplifiers with
and without transformers. Complementary symmetry & quasi complimentary symmetry
• Millman's Integrated Electronics, Millman & Parekh, TMH
• Electronic Devices And Circuits, Salivahanan, TMH
• Millman’s Electronic Devices And Circuits (Special Indian Edition), Millman & Halkias,
• Analysis And Design Of An Analog Integrated Ckt, Gray, Wiley
• Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory, Boylested, Pearson
• Electronic Devices, Floyd, Pearson
• Electronic Devices And Integrated Circuits, Singh, Pearson
• Electronic Devices And Circuits, 5e, Bell, Oxford
• Microelectronic Circuits, 5e (Intl. Version), Sedra, Oxford
Arithmetic & Radix representation of different numbers. Sign & magnitude representation,
Fixed point representation, complement notation, various codes & arithmetic in different
codes & their inter conversion. Features of logic algebra, postulates of Boolean algebra.
Theorems of Boolean algebra. Boolean function. Derived logic gates: Exclusive-OR, NAND,
NOR gates, their block diagrams and truth tables. Logic diagrams from Boolean expressions
and vica-versa. Converting logic diagrams to universal logic. Positive, negative and mixed
logic. Logic gate conversion.
Theory & operation of TTL NAND gate circuitry. Open collector TTL. Three state output logic.
TTL subfamilies. MOS & CMOS logic families. Realization of logic gates in RTL, DTL, ECL,
C-MOS & MOSFET. Interfacing logic families to one another.
UNIT 3: MINIMIZATION TECHNIQUES: Minterm, Maxterm, Karnaugh Map, K map upto 4
variables. Simplification of logic functions with K-map, conversion of truth tables in POS and
SOP form. Incomplete specified functions. Variable mapping. Quinn-Mc Klusky minimization
UNIT 4: COMBINATIONAL SYSTEMS: Combinational logic circuit design, half and full adder,
subtractor. Binary serial and parallel adders. BCD adder. Binary multiplier. Decoder: Binary
to Graydecoder, BCD to decimal, BCD to 7-segment decoder. Multiplexer, demultiplexer,
encoder. Octal to binary, BCD to excess-3 encoder. Diode switching matrix. Design of logic
circuits by multiplexers, encoders, decoders and demultiplexers.
UNIT 5: SEQUENTIAL SYSTEMS: Latches, flip-flops, R-S, D, J-K, Master Slave flip flops.
Conversions of flip-flops. Counters: Asynchronous (ripple), synchronous and synchronous
decade counter, Modulus counter, skipping state counter, counter design. Ring counter.
Counter applications. Registers: buffer register, shift register.
• Digital Circuit & Logic Design, Samuel C.Lee, Eee
• Modern Digital Electronics, R.P. Jain, TMH
• Digital Principles And Applications (Special Indian Edition), Leach & Malvino, TMH
• 2000 Solved Problems In Digital Electronics (Sigma Series), Bali, TMH
• Digital Fundamental, Floyd & Jain, Pearson
• Digital Logic And Computer Design, Mano, Pearson
• Digital Systems: Principles And Applications, Tocci, Pearson
• Digital Design, M.Morris Mano, Pearson
• Digital Electronics Principal & Intigrated Ckt, Maini, Wiley
• Digital Logic Design Principals, Palbanian, Wiley
• Digital Electronics, Kharate, Oxford
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION: Vector Relation in rectangular, cylindrical, spherical and general
curvilinear coordinate system. Concept and physical interpretation of gradient, Divergence
and curl, Green’s & Stoke’s theorems.
UNIT 2: ELECTROSTATICS: Electric field intensity & flux density. Electric field due to various
charge configurations. The potential functions and displacement vector. Gauss’s law.
Poisson’s and Laplace’s equation and their solution. Uniqueness theorem. Continuity
equation. Capacitance and electrostatics energy. Field determination by method of images.
Boundary conditions. Field mapping and concept of field cells.
UNIT 3: MAGNETOSTATICS: Magnetic field intensity, flux density & magnetization,
Faraday’s Law, Bio-Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, Magnetic scalar and vector potential, self &
mutual inductance, Energy stored in magnetic field, Boundary conditions, Analogy between
electric and magnetic field, Field maping and concept of field cells.
UNIT 4: TIME VARYING FIELDS: Displacement currents and equation of continuity.
Maxwell’s equations, Uniform plane wave in free space, dielectrics and conductors, skin effect
sinusoidal time variations, reflection & refraction of Uniform Plane Wave, standing wave ratio.
Pointing vector and power considerations.
UNIT 5: RADIATION, EMI AND EMC: Retarded Potentials and concepts of radiation,
Radiation from a small current element. Radiation resistance: Introduction to Electromagnetic
Interference and Electromagnetic compatibility, EMI coupling modes, Methods of eliminating
interference, shielding, grounding, conducted EMI, EMI testing: emission testing, susceptibility
• Engineering Electromagnetics, (With Cd), Hayt, TMH
• Electromagnetics (Sie) (Schaum's Outlines Series), Edminister, TMH
• Electromagnetics With Applications, Jd Kraus, TMH
• Electromagnetic Field Theory And Transmission Lines, Raju, Pearson
• Field & Wave Electromagnetic, Cheng, Pearson
• Elements Of Engineering Electromagnetics, Rao, Pearson
• Electromagnetic For Engineers, Ulaby, Pearson
• Fundamentals Of Electromagnetics For Engineers, Rao, Pearson
UNIT 1: PROBABILITY:Definitions, sample, space & events, joint & conditional
probability, dependent events.
UNIT 2: RANDOM VARIABLES: Introduction, distribution & density functions, discrete
& continuous random variables, special distributions: binominal, poisson, uniform,
exponential, normal, rayleigh.conditional distribution & density functions.
UNIT 3: MULTIPLE RANDOM VARIABLES Vector random variable, joint distribution
functions, joint probability density function, conditional distribution & density functions.
Statistical independence, distribution & density function of sum of random variable, one
function of one random variable, one function of two random variable, two function of
two random variable.
ariance, moments, chebyshev’s inequality, Central limit theorem, characteristic
functions & moment generating function, covariance & correlation coefficient of multiple
random variable.
UNIT 5: STOCHASTIC PROCESSES: Introduction, random process concept, stationary
& independence, ergodicity, correlation, functions. Gaussion Random Process,
Transmission of Random process through linear systems. Power spectral Density,
Cross Spectral density,
• Cllasical Electrodynamics, Jackson, Wiley
• Probability, Statistics And Random Processes, Veerarajan,
• Probability, Random Variables And Stochastic Processes, Papoulis, TMH
• Probability, Random Variables And Random Signal Principles, Peebles, TMH
• Probability And Random Processes With Application To Signal Processing, Stark, TMH
• Probability And Random Processes For Electrical Engineering, Leongarcia, Pearson
• Probability & Measure, Billingsley, Pearson
• An Introduction To Probability Theory & Its App., Feller, Wiley
• Probability & Statistics In Engg., Hines, Wiley
UNIT 1: OOP FUNDAMENTALS: Concept of class and object, attributes, public, private
and protected members, derived classes, single & multiple inheritance,
UNIT 2: PROGRAMMING IN C++: Enhancements in C++ over C, Data types, operators
and functions. Inline functions, constructors and destructors. Friend function, function
and operator overloading. Working with class and derived classes. Single, multiple and
multilevel inheritances and their combinations, virtual functions, pointers to objects.
Input output flags and formatting operations. Working with text files.
UNIT 3: JAVA: Variation from C++ to JAVA. Introduction to Java byte code, virtual
machine, application & applets of Java, integer, floating point, characters, Boolean,
literals, and array declarations.
UNIT 4: OPERATORS AND CONTROL STATEMENTS: Arithmetic operators, bit wise
operators, relational operators, Boolean logic operators, the assignment operators, ?:
operators, operator precedence. Switch and loop statements.
UNIT 5: PACKAGE AND INTERFACES: Packages, access protection, importing &
defining packages. Defining and implementing interfaces.
• Object Oriented Programming With C++, Sahay,
• Object Oriented Programming With C++, Josuttis, Oxford
• An Inteoduction To Programming & Oo Design Using Java, J.Nino&F.A.Hosch, Wiley
• Object Oriented Programming With C++, Shukla, Wiley
• OOP, Timothy Budd, Wiley
• Object Oriented Programming With C++, Balagurusamy, Pearson
• Programming With C++ (Sie) (Schaum's Outline Series), Hubbard, TMH
• Mastering C++, Venugopal, TMH
• Programming With C++, Ravichandran, TMH
UNIT 1 :Introduction Need, purpose and goals of DBMS. DBMS Architecture, Concept
of keys, Generalisation and specialization, Introduction to Relational data model, ER
Modeling, Relational algebra.
UNIT 2: DATABASE DESIGN : Conceptual Data Base design. Theory of normalization,
Primitive and composite data types, concept of physical and logical databases, data
abstraction and data independence,. Relational calculus.
UNIT 3 : SQL : DDL and DML. Constraints assertions, views, data base security.
Application Development using SQL : Host language interface, embedded SQL
programming. GL's, Forms management and report writers. Stored procedures and
UNIT 4 INTERNAL OF RDBMS - Physical data organization in sequential, indexed,
random and hashed files. Inverted and multilist structures.
UNIT 5 : Transaction processing, concurrency control, Transaction model properties
and state serialisability. Lock base protocols, two phase locking, Log based recovery
• Date C J, “An Introduction To Database System”, Addision Wesley
• Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, “Database Concepts”, McGraw Hill
• Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals Of Database Systems”, Addision Wesley
• Leon & Leon, “Database Management System”, Vikas Publishing House.
• Bipin C. Desai, “An introduction to Database Systems”, Galgotia Publication
• Majumdar & Bhattacharya, “Database Management System”, TMH
• Ramakrishnan, Gehrke, “Database Management System”, McGraw Hill
• Kroenke, “Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation”,
Pearson Education.
• Maheshwari Jain, “DBMS: Complete Practical Approach”, Firewall Media, New
UNIT 1 : Introduction to interactive computer graphics, picture analysis, overview of
programmer's model of interactive graphics. Fundamental problems in geometry,
Hardware for Computer Graphics.
UNIT 2 : BASIC RASTER GRAPHICS - Scan conversion algorithms for line, Circle,
Ellipse, Filling algorithms, Line Clipping and Polygon clipping
UNIT 3 : GEOMETRIC MANIPULATION : 2 D and 3 D Transformation, Composite
Transformations, Concept of Homogenous Coordinates Viewpoints.
UNIT 4 : ELEMENTRY 3 D GRAPHICS – Types of Projections, Vanishing Points,
specification of 3 D View, Matrices for Parallel and Perspective Projections. Visibility;
Image and object precision, z-buffer algorithms, area based algorithms, floating horizon.
UNIT 5: RENDERING - Ray tracing, antialiasing, Gourard and Phong Shading. Curves
and Surfaces : Parametric Representation, Bezier and B-Spline curves.
• David F Rogers – Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics – McGraw-Hill.
• Foley, Vandam, Feiner & Huges – Computer Graphics Principles and Practice –
Addison Wesley.
• Newman & Sproul – Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics.
• David F Rogers and Adams – Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics.

Programs in C++
1. Write a program to perform the complex arithmetic.
2. Write a program to perform the rational number arithmetic.
3. Write a program to perform the matrix operations. (Transpose, addition, subtraction, multiplication,
test if a matrix is symmetric/ lower triangular/ upper triangular)
4. Implement Morse code to text conversion and vice-versa.
5. To calculate Greatest Common Divisor of given numbers.
6. To implement tower of Hanoi problem.
Program in Java
7. To implement spell checker using dictionary.
8. To implement a color selector from a given set of colors.
9. To implement a shape selector from a given set of shapes.
10. By mapping keys to pens of different colors, implement turtle graphics.
11. To implement a calculator with its functionality.
12. To implement a graph and display BFS/DFS order of nodes.
1. Plot gain-frequency characteristics of BJT amplifier with and without negative feedback in the
emitter circuit and determine bandwidths, gain bandwidth products and gains at 1kHz with and
without negative feedback.
2. Study of series and shunt voltage regulators and measurement of line and load regulation and
ripple factor.
3. Plot and study the characteristics of small signal amplifier using FET.
4. Study of push pull amplifier. Measure variation of output power & distortion with load.
5. Study Wein bridge oscillator and observe the effect of variation in R & C on oscillator frequency
6. Study transistor phase shift oscillator and observe the effect of variation in R & C on oscillator
frequency and compare with theoretical value.
7. Study the following oscillators and observe the effect of variation of C on oscillator frequency: (a)
Hartley (b) Colpitts
8. Design Fabrication and Testing of k-derived filters (LP/HP).
9. Study of a Digital Storage CRO and store a transient on it.
10. To plot the characteristics of UJT and UJT as relaxation.
11. To plot the characteristics of MOSFET and CMOS.

1. To study and perform the following experiments.
(a) Operation of digital multiplexer and demultiplexer.
(b) Binary to decimal encoder.
(c) Characteristics of CMOS integrated circuits.
2. To study and perform experiment- Compound logic functions and various combinational circuits
based on AND/NAND and OR/NOR Logic blocks.
3. To study and perform experiment -Digital to analog and analog to digital converters.
4. To study and perform experiment- Various types of counters and shift registers.
5. To study and perform experiment - Interfacing of CMOS to TTL and TTL to CMOS ICs.
6. To study and perform experiment- BCD to binary conversion on digital IC trainer.
7. To study and perform experiment -
(a) Astable (b) Monostable (c) Bistable Multivibrators and the frequency variation with different
parameters, observe voltage waveforms at different points of transistor.
8. To study and perform experiment -Voltage comparator circuit using IC-710.
9. To study and perform experiment- Schmitt transistor binary circuit.
10. Design 2 bit binary up/down binary counter on bread board.
UNIT 1 : INDIA- Brief History of Indian Constitution- framing, features, fundamental rights, duties,
directive principles of state. History of Indian national movement, Socio economic growth after
UNIT 2 : SOCIETY – Social Groups- Concepts and types, socialization- concept and theory, social
control; concept, social problem in contemporary India, status and role.
UNIT 3 : THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ECONOMICS – Meaning, definition and importance of economics,
Logic of choice, Central Economic Problems, Positive and Normative approaches, economic systemssocialism
and capitalism.
UNIT 4 : MICROECONOMICS –Law of demand and supply, Utility approach, Indifference curves,
Elasticity of demand & supply and applications, Consumer surplus, Law of returns to factors and returns
to scale.
UNIT 5: MACRO ECONOMICS –Concept relating to national product-National income and its
measurement, Simple Keynesian theory, Simple multiplier, Money and banking,- Meaning, Concept of
international trade, Determination of exchange rate, Balance of payments. Characteristics of Indian
                                                                 Shri Akash Bhai