Unit-1 Introduction: Concept of Linear vector space Linear Independence, Bases &
Representation, domain and range. Concept of Linearity, relaxedness, time invariance,
Unit-2 State Space Approach of Control System Analysis: Modern Vs conventional
control theory,
concept of state, state variable state vector, state space, state space equations, Writing
statespace equations of mechanical, Electrical systems, Analogous systems.
Unit-3 State Space Representation using physical and phase variables, comparison form of
system representation. Block diagram representation of state model. Signal flow graph
representation. State space representation using canonical variables. Diagonal matrix.
Jordan canonical form, Derivation of transfer function from state-model.
Unit-4 Solution of State Equations: Diagonalization, Eigenvalues and eigen vectors.
Matrix exponential, State transition matrix, Properties of state transition matrix.
Computation of State transition matrix concepts of controllability & observability. Pole
placement by state feedback, Ackerman’s formula
Unit-5 Digital Control Systems: Introduction, sampled data control systems, signal
reconstruction, difference equations. The z-transform, Z-Transfer Function. Block
diagram analysis of sampled data systems, z and s domain relationship, digital PID
UNIT 1 : INTRODUCTION: CPU, address bus, data bus and control bus. Input/ Output devices, buffers,
encoders, latches and memories.
UNIT 2 : 8085 MICROPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE: Internal data operations and registers, pins
and signals, peripheral devices and memory organization, interrupts. CISC and RISC architecture
UNIT 3 : 8085 MICROPROCESSOR INSTRUCTIONS: Classification, format and timing. Instruction set.
Programming and debugging, 8 bit and 16 bit instructions.
UNIT 4 : 8085 MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING: 8259, 8257, 8255, 8253, 8155 chips and their
applications. A/D conversion, memory, keyboard and display interface (8279).
UNIT 5: INTRODUCTION TO 8051 MICROCONTROLLER: General features & architecture of 8051.
Memory, timers and interrupts. Pin details. Interfacing and applications.
Unit-1 (i) Causes and consequences of dangerous currents: Faults, overloads and
switching over currents. Introduction to protection, trip circuit of a circuit breaker.
Functional characteristics of a relay, zone of protection, primary and backup protection.
(ii) CTs & PTs: Current transformer construction, measurement and protective CTs.
Type of potential transformers. Steady state ratio and phase angle errors in CTs and PTs.
Transient errors in CT and CVT (Capacitive Voltage Transformer).
Unit-2 Overcurrent Protection: HRC fuse and thermal relay. Overcurrent (OC) relays -
instantaneous, definite time, inverse time and inverse definite minimum time overcurrent
relays, time and current gradings. Induction disc type relay. Directional overcurrent relay,
30◦, 60◦ and 90◦ connections. Earth fault relay. Brief description of overcurrent protective
schemes for a feeder, parallel feeders and ring mains.
Unit-3 Generator Protection: Stator protection - differential and percentage differential
protection, protection against stator inter-turn faults, stator overheating protection. Rotor
protectionprotection against excitation and prime mover failure, field earth fault and
unbalanced stator currents (negative sequence current protection).
Unit-4 (i) Transformer Protection: Percentage differential protection, magnetizing
inrush current, percentage differential relay with harmonic restraint. Buchholz relay.
Differential protection of generator transfer unit.
(ii) Busbar Protection: Differential protection of busbars, high impedance relay scheme,
frame leakage protection.
Unit-5 (i) Transmission Line Protection: Introduction to distance protection.
Construction, operating principle and characteristics of an electromagnetic impedance
relay. Effect of arc resistance. Induction cup type reactance and mho relays. Comparison
between impedance, reactance and mho relays. Three stepped distance protection of
transmission line.
(ii) Induction Motor Protection: Introduction to various faults and abnormal operating
conditions, unbalance supply voltage and single phasing. Introduction to protection of
induction motors- HRC fuse and overcurrent, percentage differential, earth fault and negative
sequence voltage relays.
Unit-1 AC Voltage Controllers: Principle of On-Off Control, Principle of Phase control,
Single Phase Bi-directional Controllers with Resistive Loads, Single Phase Controllers
with Inductive Loads, Three Phase full wave AC controllers, AC Voltage Controller with
PWM Control.
Unit-2 Inverters: Principle of Operation, Single-phase bridge inverters, Three phase
bridge Inverters: 180 and 120 degree of conduction. Voltage control of Single Phase and
Three Phase Inverters, Current Source Inverters, Harmonics and its reduction techniques.
Unit-3 Cycloconverters: Basic principle of operation, single phase to single phase,
threephase to three-phase and three phase to single phase cycloconverters. Output equation,
Control circuit.
Unit-4 DC Power Supplies: Switched Mode DC Power Supplies, flyback converter,
forward converter, half and full bridge converter, resonant DC power supplies,
bidirectional power supplies.
Unit-5 AC Power Supplies: Switched mode power supplies, Resonant AC power
supplies, bidirectional AC power supplies. Multistage conversions, Control Circuits:
Voltage Mode Control, Current Mode Control
Unit-1 Performance Measurement: Space complexity and Time complexity, big oh,
omega and theta notations and their significance. Linear Lists - Array and linked
representation, singly & doubly linked lists. Concept of circular linked lists.
Unit-2 Array & Matrices: Row and Column Major mapping & representation, irregular 2D
array, Matrix operations, Special matrices: diagonal, tri-diagonal, triangular and
symmetric. Sparse matrices representation and its transpose.
Unit-3 Stacks: Representation in array & linked lists, basic operation, Applications of
stacks in parenthesis matching, towers of Hanoi etc. Queues - Representation in array &
linked lists, applications, circular queues.
Unit-4 Trees: Binary Tree, representation in array & linked lists, basic operation on
binary trees, binary tree traversal (preorder, post order, in order). Search Trees - Binary
search tree, indexed-binary search tree, basic operation, AVL tree, B-tree & Heap Tree.
Unit-5 Graphs: Representation of unweighted graphs, BFS, DFS, and Minimum cost
spanning trees, Single source shortest path. Sorting - Bubble sort, insertion sort, merge
sort, selection sort, quick sort, heap sort.
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Neural Networks, Biological basis for NN,
Human brain, Models of a Neuron, Directed Graphs, Feedback, Network architectures,
Knowledge representation, Artificial intelligence & Neural Networks.
UNIT 2: LEARNING PROCESSES: Introduction, Error -Correction learning, Memory
-based learning, Hebbian learning, Competitive learning, Boltzmann learning, Learning
with a Teacher & without a teacher, learning tasks, Memory, Adaptation.
UNIT 3: SINGLE LAYER PERCEPTRONS: Introduction, Least-mean-square
algorithm, Learning Curves, Learning rate Annealing Techniques, Perceptron, Perceptron
Convergence Theorem.
UNIT 4: MULTI LAYER PERCEPTRONS: Introduction, Back-Propagation
Algorithm, XOR Problem, Output representation and Decision rule, Feature Detection,
Back-Propagation and Differentiation, Hessian Matrix, Generalization.
MAPS: Introduction to Radial basis function networks, Cover’s Theorem on the
Separability of Patterns, Interpolation Problem, Generalized Radial-Basis function
networks, XOR Problem. Self-Organizing map, Summary of SOM Algorithm, Properties of
the feature map.
Unit-1 8086 Microprocessor: Hardware specifications, architecture, address spaces,
clock generator, bus controller and arbiter, Minimum and maximum mode, System Bus
Unit-2 Software & Instruction Set: Assembly language programming: addressing mode
and instructions of 8086, linking and execution of programs, MACRO programming,
assembler directives and operators.
Unit-3 I/O Interfaces: Programmable peripheral interfacing (8255, 8155), Programmable
Timer interfacing (8253,8254), Programmable interrupt controller (8259) Serial
Communication interfaces.
Unit-4 Data & Memory Interfacing: A/D, D/A converter interfacing, Memory
interfacing and Decoding, DMA controller.
Unit-5 Multiprocessor Configurations: 8086 based Multiprocessor systems. 8087
Numeric data processor.
Unit-1 PCM & DELTA Modulation Systems: PCM and delta modulation, quantization
noise in PCM and delta modulation. Signal-to-noise ratio in PCM and delta modulation, T1
Carrier System, Comparison of PCM and DM. Adaptive delta Modulation. Bit, word and
frame synchronization, Matched filter detection.
Unit-2 Digital Modulation Techniques: Various techniques of phase shift, amplitude shift
and frequency shift keying. Minimum shift keying. Modulation & Demodulation.
Unit-3 Error Probability in Digital Modulation: Calculation of error probabilities for PSK,
ASK, FSK & MSK techniques.
Unit-4 Information Theory: Amount of Information, Average Information, Entropy,
Information rate, Increase in Average information per bit by coding, Shannon's Theorem
and Shannon's bound, Capacity of a Gaussian Channel, BW-S/N trade off, Orthogonal
signal transmission.
Unit-5 Coding: Coding of Information, Hamming code, Single Parity-Bit Code, Linear
Block code, cyclic code & convolutional code
1. Study the hardware, functions, memory structure and operation of 8085
microprocessor kit.
2. Program to perform integer division: (i) 8-bit by 8-bit (ii) 16-bit by 8-bit.
3. Transfer of a block of data in memory to another place in memory in the direct and
reverse order.
4. Searching a number in an array and finding its parity.
5. Sorting of array in: (i) Ascending (ii) Descending order
6. Programme to perform following conversion: (i) BCD to ASCII (ii) BCD to
7. Programme to multiply two 8-bit numbers.
8. Programme to generate and sum 15 fibanocci numbers.
9. Programme for rolling display of message “INDIAN”.
10. To insert a number at correct place in a sorted array.
11. Serial and Parallel data transfer on output port 8155 & 8255 & designing of disco light,
running light, and sequential lights on off by above hardware.
12. Generation of different waveform on 8253/ 8254 programmable timer.
1 Study the burden effect on the performance of CT and measure ratio error.
2 Find out the sequence components of currents in three 1-Phase transformers and 3-
Phase transformer and compare their results.
3 (i) Study over current relay.
(ii) Draw the current-time characteristic of an over current relay for TMS=1 & 0.5 and
PSM=1.25 & 1.0.
4 (i) Study percentage bias differential relay.
(ii) Plot the characteristics of a percentage bias differential relay for 20%, 30% and 40%
5 Study gas actuated Buchholz relay.
1 Basics of MATLAB matrices and vectors, matrix and array operations, Saving and
loading data, plotting simple graphs, scripts and functions, Script files, Function files,
Global Variables, Loops, Branches, Control flow, Advanced data objects, Multidimensional
Structures, Applications in linear algebra curve fitting and interpolation. Numerical
integration, Ordinary differential equation. (All contents is to be covered with tutorial
2 Simulink: Idea about simulink, problems based on simulink. (All contents is to be
covered with tutorial sheets)
1 Study and test AC voltage regulators using triac, antiparallel thyristors and triac & diac. 2
Study and test single phase PWM inverter.
3 Study and test buck, boost and buck- boost regulators. 4
Study and test MOSFET chopper.
5 Study and test Zero voltage switching.
6 Study and test SCR DC circuit breaker.
7 Control speed of a dc motor using a chopper and plot armature voltage versus speed
8 Control speed of a single-phase induction motor using single phase AC voltage
9 (i) Study single-phase dual converter. (ii) Study speed control of dc motor using singlephase
dual converter.
10 Study one, two and four quadrant choppers (DC-DC converters).
11 Study speed control of dc motor using one, two and four quadrant choppers. 12
Study single-phase cycloconverter.
Shri Akash Bhai
Unit-1 Introduction: Concept of Linear vector space Linear Independence, Bases &
Representation, domain and range. Concept of Linearity, relaxedness, time invariance,
Unit-2 State Space Approach of Control System Analysis: Modern Vs conventional
control theory,
concept of state, state variable state vector, state space, state space equations, Writing
statespace equations of mechanical, Electrical systems, Analogous systems.
Unit-3 State Space Representation using physical and phase variables, comparison form of
system representation. Block diagram representation of state model. Signal flow graph
representation. State space representation using canonical variables. Diagonal matrix.
Jordan canonical form, Derivation of transfer function from state-model.
Unit-4 Solution of State Equations: Diagonalization, Eigenvalues and eigen vectors.
Matrix exponential, State transition matrix, Properties of state transition matrix.
Computation of State transition matrix concepts of controllability & observability. Pole
placement by state feedback, Ackerman’s formula
Unit-5 Digital Control Systems: Introduction, sampled data control systems, signal
reconstruction, difference equations. The z-transform, Z-Transfer Function. Block
diagram analysis of sampled data systems, z and s domain relationship, digital PID
UNIT 1 : INTRODUCTION: CPU, address bus, data bus and control bus. Input/ Output devices, buffers,
encoders, latches and memories.
UNIT 2 : 8085 MICROPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE: Internal data operations and registers, pins
and signals, peripheral devices and memory organization, interrupts. CISC and RISC architecture
UNIT 3 : 8085 MICROPROCESSOR INSTRUCTIONS: Classification, format and timing. Instruction set.
Programming and debugging, 8 bit and 16 bit instructions.
UNIT 4 : 8085 MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING: 8259, 8257, 8255, 8253, 8155 chips and their
applications. A/D conversion, memory, keyboard and display interface (8279).
UNIT 5: INTRODUCTION TO 8051 MICROCONTROLLER: General features & architecture of 8051.
Memory, timers and interrupts. Pin details. Interfacing and applications.
Unit-1 (i) Causes and consequences of dangerous currents: Faults, overloads and
switching over currents. Introduction to protection, trip circuit of a circuit breaker.
Functional characteristics of a relay, zone of protection, primary and backup protection.
(ii) CTs & PTs: Current transformer construction, measurement and protective CTs.
Type of potential transformers. Steady state ratio and phase angle errors in CTs and PTs.
Transient errors in CT and CVT (Capacitive Voltage Transformer).
Unit-2 Overcurrent Protection: HRC fuse and thermal relay. Overcurrent (OC) relays -
instantaneous, definite time, inverse time and inverse definite minimum time overcurrent
relays, time and current gradings. Induction disc type relay. Directional overcurrent relay,
30◦, 60◦ and 90◦ connections. Earth fault relay. Brief description of overcurrent protective
schemes for a feeder, parallel feeders and ring mains.
Unit-3 Generator Protection: Stator protection - differential and percentage differential
protection, protection against stator inter-turn faults, stator overheating protection. Rotor
protectionprotection against excitation and prime mover failure, field earth fault and
unbalanced stator currents (negative sequence current protection).
Unit-4 (i) Transformer Protection: Percentage differential protection, magnetizing
inrush current, percentage differential relay with harmonic restraint. Buchholz relay.
Differential protection of generator transfer unit.
(ii) Busbar Protection: Differential protection of busbars, high impedance relay scheme,
frame leakage protection.
Unit-5 (i) Transmission Line Protection: Introduction to distance protection.
Construction, operating principle and characteristics of an electromagnetic impedance
relay. Effect of arc resistance. Induction cup type reactance and mho relays. Comparison
between impedance, reactance and mho relays. Three stepped distance protection of
transmission line.
(ii) Induction Motor Protection: Introduction to various faults and abnormal operating
conditions, unbalance supply voltage and single phasing. Introduction to protection of
induction motors- HRC fuse and overcurrent, percentage differential, earth fault and negative
sequence voltage relays.
Unit-1 AC Voltage Controllers: Principle of On-Off Control, Principle of Phase control,
Single Phase Bi-directional Controllers with Resistive Loads, Single Phase Controllers
with Inductive Loads, Three Phase full wave AC controllers, AC Voltage Controller with
PWM Control.
Unit-2 Inverters: Principle of Operation, Single-phase bridge inverters, Three phase
bridge Inverters: 180 and 120 degree of conduction. Voltage control of Single Phase and
Three Phase Inverters, Current Source Inverters, Harmonics and its reduction techniques.
Unit-3 Cycloconverters: Basic principle of operation, single phase to single phase,
threephase to three-phase and three phase to single phase cycloconverters. Output equation,
Control circuit.
Unit-4 DC Power Supplies: Switched Mode DC Power Supplies, flyback converter,
forward converter, half and full bridge converter, resonant DC power supplies,
bidirectional power supplies.
Unit-5 AC Power Supplies: Switched mode power supplies, Resonant AC power
supplies, bidirectional AC power supplies. Multistage conversions, Control Circuits:
Voltage Mode Control, Current Mode Control
Unit-1 Performance Measurement: Space complexity and Time complexity, big oh,
omega and theta notations and their significance. Linear Lists - Array and linked
representation, singly & doubly linked lists. Concept of circular linked lists.
Unit-2 Array & Matrices: Row and Column Major mapping & representation, irregular 2D
array, Matrix operations, Special matrices: diagonal, tri-diagonal, triangular and
symmetric. Sparse matrices representation and its transpose.
Unit-3 Stacks: Representation in array & linked lists, basic operation, Applications of
stacks in parenthesis matching, towers of Hanoi etc. Queues - Representation in array &
linked lists, applications, circular queues.
Unit-4 Trees: Binary Tree, representation in array & linked lists, basic operation on
binary trees, binary tree traversal (preorder, post order, in order). Search Trees - Binary
search tree, indexed-binary search tree, basic operation, AVL tree, B-tree & Heap Tree.
Unit-5 Graphs: Representation of unweighted graphs, BFS, DFS, and Minimum cost
spanning trees, Single source shortest path. Sorting - Bubble sort, insertion sort, merge
sort, selection sort, quick sort, heap sort.
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Neural Networks, Biological basis for NN,
Human brain, Models of a Neuron, Directed Graphs, Feedback, Network architectures,
Knowledge representation, Artificial intelligence & Neural Networks.
UNIT 2: LEARNING PROCESSES: Introduction, Error -Correction learning, Memory
-based learning, Hebbian learning, Competitive learning, Boltzmann learning, Learning
with a Teacher & without a teacher, learning tasks, Memory, Adaptation.
UNIT 3: SINGLE LAYER PERCEPTRONS: Introduction, Least-mean-square
algorithm, Learning Curves, Learning rate Annealing Techniques, Perceptron, Perceptron
Convergence Theorem.
UNIT 4: MULTI LAYER PERCEPTRONS: Introduction, Back-Propagation
Algorithm, XOR Problem, Output representation and Decision rule, Feature Detection,
Back-Propagation and Differentiation, Hessian Matrix, Generalization.
MAPS: Introduction to Radial basis function networks, Cover’s Theorem on the
Separability of Patterns, Interpolation Problem, Generalized Radial-Basis function
networks, XOR Problem. Self-Organizing map, Summary of SOM Algorithm, Properties of
the feature map.
Unit-1 8086 Microprocessor: Hardware specifications, architecture, address spaces,
clock generator, bus controller and arbiter, Minimum and maximum mode, System Bus
Unit-2 Software & Instruction Set: Assembly language programming: addressing mode
and instructions of 8086, linking and execution of programs, MACRO programming,
assembler directives and operators.
Unit-3 I/O Interfaces: Programmable peripheral interfacing (8255, 8155), Programmable
Timer interfacing (8253,8254), Programmable interrupt controller (8259) Serial
Communication interfaces.
Unit-4 Data & Memory Interfacing: A/D, D/A converter interfacing, Memory
interfacing and Decoding, DMA controller.
Unit-5 Multiprocessor Configurations: 8086 based Multiprocessor systems. 8087
Numeric data processor.
Unit-1 PCM & DELTA Modulation Systems: PCM and delta modulation, quantization
noise in PCM and delta modulation. Signal-to-noise ratio in PCM and delta modulation, T1
Carrier System, Comparison of PCM and DM. Adaptive delta Modulation. Bit, word and
frame synchronization, Matched filter detection.
Unit-2 Digital Modulation Techniques: Various techniques of phase shift, amplitude shift
and frequency shift keying. Minimum shift keying. Modulation & Demodulation.
Unit-3 Error Probability in Digital Modulation: Calculation of error probabilities for PSK,
ASK, FSK & MSK techniques.
Unit-4 Information Theory: Amount of Information, Average Information, Entropy,
Information rate, Increase in Average information per bit by coding, Shannon's Theorem
and Shannon's bound, Capacity of a Gaussian Channel, BW-S/N trade off, Orthogonal
signal transmission.
Unit-5 Coding: Coding of Information, Hamming code, Single Parity-Bit Code, Linear
Block code, cyclic code & convolutional code
1. Study the hardware, functions, memory structure and operation of 8085
microprocessor kit.
2. Program to perform integer division: (i) 8-bit by 8-bit (ii) 16-bit by 8-bit.
3. Transfer of a block of data in memory to another place in memory in the direct and
reverse order.
4. Searching a number in an array and finding its parity.
5. Sorting of array in: (i) Ascending (ii) Descending order
6. Programme to perform following conversion: (i) BCD to ASCII (ii) BCD to
7. Programme to multiply two 8-bit numbers.
8. Programme to generate and sum 15 fibanocci numbers.
9. Programme for rolling display of message “INDIAN”.
10. To insert a number at correct place in a sorted array.
11. Serial and Parallel data transfer on output port 8155 & 8255 & designing of disco light,
running light, and sequential lights on off by above hardware.
12. Generation of different waveform on 8253/ 8254 programmable timer.
1 Study the burden effect on the performance of CT and measure ratio error.
2 Find out the sequence components of currents in three 1-Phase transformers and 3-
Phase transformer and compare their results.
3 (i) Study over current relay.
(ii) Draw the current-time characteristic of an over current relay for TMS=1 & 0.5 and
PSM=1.25 & 1.0.
4 (i) Study percentage bias differential relay.
(ii) Plot the characteristics of a percentage bias differential relay for 20%, 30% and 40%
5 Study gas actuated Buchholz relay.
1 Basics of MATLAB matrices and vectors, matrix and array operations, Saving and
loading data, plotting simple graphs, scripts and functions, Script files, Function files,
Global Variables, Loops, Branches, Control flow, Advanced data objects, Multidimensional
Structures, Applications in linear algebra curve fitting and interpolation. Numerical
integration, Ordinary differential equation. (All contents is to be covered with tutorial
2 Simulink: Idea about simulink, problems based on simulink. (All contents is to be
covered with tutorial sheets)
1 Study and test AC voltage regulators using triac, antiparallel thyristors and triac & diac. 2
Study and test single phase PWM inverter.
3 Study and test buck, boost and buck- boost regulators. 4
Study and test MOSFET chopper.
5 Study and test Zero voltage switching.
6 Study and test SCR DC circuit breaker.
7 Control speed of a dc motor using a chopper and plot armature voltage versus speed
8 Control speed of a single-phase induction motor using single phase AC voltage
9 (i) Study single-phase dual converter. (ii) Study speed control of dc motor using singlephase
dual converter.
10 Study one, two and four quadrant choppers (DC-DC converters).
11 Study speed control of dc motor using one, two and four quadrant choppers. 12
Study single-phase cycloconverter.
Shri Akash Bhai
6 sem syllabus